When working at home (or away from your desk) you’ll probably want to keep your home and personal mobile number PRIVATE!
So how do you receive inbound business calls?

Switching-on FREEDOMCall INbound is easy.
If you have a normal office phone extension, you simply select “divert all calls” and key in your FREEDOMCall INbound number. If you do not have a dedicated office extension number (or “DDI”) and your calls are normally answered by a colleague, then they simply forward your calls to your new number.
You start by selecting a fixed line number with your own choice of geographic (01/02) code. This then becomes your “INbound” number. We then arrange that callers to that number will be secretly routed to all your chosen private (home & mobile) numbers.
Not only does this keep your private numbers PRIVATE but, because inbound work calls can only be accepted and connected by (you) entering a short code, the caller will naturally assume you’re at your desk. Not knowing your access code means all work-related calls will also remain unanswerable by all others in your household.
Finally, we send a recording of each business call you receive direct to your office, meaning if you’re on the beach when choosing to answer an office call…….

….. you don’t need to find a notepad and pen
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